- Reenadinna Wood: Here you find unique natural yew wood growing on the Carboniferous limestone on the eastern portion of the Muckross Peninsula. Arthur Young’s Walk returns to Muckross through this woodland.
- The Colleen Bawn Rock: This rock is close to the Shore of Muckross Lake; it is famed in local legend as the place from which the Colleen Bawn threw herself to her death because of her unrequited love for the landlord’s son. In fact the playwright Boucicault transferred this story to the more romantic setting of Killarney, as the original story was, in fact, on the banks of the River Shannon.
- The Copper Mines: Situated on the Muckross Peninsula, they were last worked in the late 18th century. Some of the mineshafts can still be seen, but are in a dangerous condition. Nearby is a ruined building known as the Old Furnace, in all probability a summerhouse on the Muckross Estate?
- Camillan Wood: This oak wood is situated on the western end of Muckross Peninsula. Many features of the natural oak woods can be seen here. The wood was overgrown with Rhododendron Ponticum but has been cleared. Arthur Young’s Walk passes through this wood.
- Brickeen Bridge: A quaint 18th century bridge with a Gothic arch, which joins the Muckross Peninsula to Brickeen and Dinis. Panoramic views of Muckross Lake and Lough Leane can be seen on each side of the bridge.
- Dinis and the Meeting of the Waters: Dinis Island is reached on foot or bicycle via the Muckross Peninsula or by walking from the Dinis back gate car park on the Killarney to Kenmare Road. Dinis Cottage is a picturesque and popular stopping place and is open during the summer as a tearoom. The beautiful spot nearby where the waters from the Upper Lake divide to flow around Dinis Island has been known mistakenly as the Meeting of the Waters.
- The Old Weir Bridge: A double-arched old picturesque bridge crosses the rapids flowing from the Upper Lake just upstream from the Meeting of the Waters. The bridge gives pedestrian access to the area known as Glena.